Restricted or prohibited items


We want your day at the Family Fun Fest / Riverside County Fair to be one you’ll remember fondly for years to come! This list of items that can (and can’t!) be brought into the Fair is intended to enhance the comfort, safety and well-being of our guests.


You may bring backpacks, diaper bags, tote bags and other large bags with you. When you approach the weapon detection systems, you may be directed by security staff to open bags and parcels in your possession so security staff may look inside.

If a disability requires you to sit frequently, you may bring a folding chair with the following restrictions:
• Chairs may not be used in the following locations:
• Fun Zone
• Concert venues (other than wheelchair seating areas)
• You may not obstruct pedestrian traffic. If a staff member asks you to move your chair, please comply.

We offer a variety of Fair food options from restaurants, vendors and concession stands throughout our location. However, we understand that guests may need to bring outside food and drinks.

Snacks, food required for medical purposes or special diatary needs, and baby food/baby formula are all permitted.

Alcohol, glass containers and metal knives and forks are prohibited.

All beverages must be in factory-sealed containers, meaning reusable containers such as sports water bottles and sippy cups cannot contain beverages when you go through the security check at the entrances. Refillable water bottles can be filled once inside the grounds, at one of our refillable water stations.

Preserving memories of your day at the Family Fun Fest / Riverside County Fair is important, and we encourage you to take lots of photos. But we do have some restrictions on where cameras and other photo-taking devices can and cannot be used:
• Any photography activities that may be deemed a nuisance to the enjoyment of others are prohibited. An example is holding your smartphone where it blocks someone else’s view.
• Selfie sticks are prohibited at all times. You may not bring a selfie stick into the Fair.
• Tripods are not permitted because they might be a trip hazard to others. We prefer you use a monopod to steady your camera, and it must be extended and retracted just before and after you use it.

Camera use during stage performances:
• We have camera and photography restrictions during stage performances involving contracted entertainers  which are:
• No flash photography
• No cameras with removable lenses
• No tablets
• No video or audio recording
• Drones of any kind are strictly prohibited.


Guests may not bring alchohol, marijuana or illegal drugs into the Fairgrounds.

You may ride your bicycle to the Family Fun Fest / Riverside County Fair, but you may not bring it inside the gated area. For safety reasons, bicycles are not allowed through the Gates.

The Fairgrounds is not responsible for theft of any bikes that have or have not been locked. Lock at your own risk.

Skateboards, hoverboards, foot-powered scooters, roller skates, shoes with wheels in the soles, and similar types of wheeled transportation other than Other Power-Driven Mobility Devices (OPDMD) are not permitted inside the Fairgrounds.

Wagons are permitted.

Drones are not permitted to be used in or around the Fairgrounds.

Fair management may refuse entry to guests wearing attire which could create a distraction and/or who are not properly attired. All clothing must be family friendly. Guests are required to wear footwear and shirts at all times. Prohibited attire includes:
• Clothing displaying offensive messages/language
• Full decorative masks
• Transparent clothing
• Clothing that exposes inappropriate portions of the body, such as string bikini tops, G-strings, bikini bottoms, etc.
• Clothing that identifies the wearer as part of a gang

Laser pointers are strictly prohibited and will be confiscated during the gate security check.
Pepper spray and similar sprays intended for self-defense are prohibited. The Family Fun Fest / Riverside County Fair prohibits anything that can be used as a weapon.
The only animals allowed on the grounds are service animals and animals on exhibit or used in entertainment. We do not have day-care accommodations for pets.

Service dogs are welcome at the Fair, but “comfort animals” do not qualify under the ADA guidelines from the Department of Justice and will not be allowed into the Fair.

Unauthorized solicitation of business of any kind with patrons, contracted vendors, and/or performers is strictly prohibited. Unapproved solicitors will be escorted off grounds and unauthorized promotional materials will be confiscated. A fine of $200 per occurrence will be assessed to any performer, performance group, vendor, radio station or other Fair participant whose unapproved promotional materials are found anywhere on the fairgrounds.

For safety reasons, selfie sticks are strictly prohibited and may not be brought onto the Fairgrounds during the Family Fun Fest / Riverside County Fair.

The Family Fun Fest / Riverside County Fair is a no-smoking, no-vaping event. Cigarettes, cigars, pipes, and e-cigarettes are not allowed. The Fair does not have designated smoking areas.

Guests may not bring cigarettes, cigars, pipes, vaping or e-cigarette devices into the Fairgrounds.

Umbrellas cannot be more than three feet in diameter. Please do not use an umbrella in crowded areas. We prefer you use a hat to shield yourself from the sun

All sharp metal objects, such as pocketknives, tableware and scissors are strictly prohibited. If you have any of these items when you reach the security checkpoint, you can either take them back to your vehicle or dispose of them prior to entry.

For the safety of our guests and employees, guns (or gun replicas) may not be brought onto the Fairgrounds other than by law enforcement personnel scheduled to work at/with the Family Fun Fest / Riverside County Fair and approved by the Public Safety Director.

However, off-duty, qualified law enforcement officers (as defined in 18 U.S.C. section 926B) or qualified, retired law enforcement officers (as defined in 18 U.S.C. section 926C) will be allowed to carry concealed weapons into the Fair. These individuals must identify themselves to Security at the Fair’s entrances with the proper credentials required by law. The credentials required of qualified off-duty or retired law enforcement officers by 18 U.S.C. sections 926B and 926C will be verified by a Riverside County Sheriff’s deputy.

In addition, qualified off-duty and retired law enforcement officers will be required to sign a document attesting to their compliance with all pertinent state and federal laws and the policies and procedures of their individual employers; and, that they are not at the time of entry, nor will be while on the Fairgrounds, under the influence of alcohol or any intoxicating or hallucinatory drug.